Ordem | Projects of ENERGY AND SYSTEMS Line |
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General Objective: This research line aims to study and develop numerical, intelligent, or hybrid techniques for early detection and monitoring of the evolution of failures in devices, equipment, and/or energy systems, analyzing signals from these elements. Then, these techniques must be enveloped in a hardware structure so that it can be incorporated into the observed element. This hardware, where possible, pre-processing signals must be incorporated (for example, to ensure the accuracy of the data to be transmitted). The most appropriate communication systems for interconnection (or interconnections, if the measures occur at various points) to a central point of concentration or, directly, to a computer where the analysis system will be processed.
Professors: Wilson César Santana (C), Germano Lambert-Torres, Claudio Ferreira, Erik Leandro Bonaldi and Levy Ely de Lacerda de Oliveira
Funded by EDF-NF - Électricité de France - Norte Fluminense
Specific Objectives: achieved at this time through the Project "Online Fault Detection System in electrical motors insulation by frequency response method."
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General Objective: This research line aims to study and model the various processes of power generation and its components. This modeling should include numerical studies, control systems, and component devices, trying to establish their functions in the power generation process and how they can be improved through technical-economic analysis. Intelligent techniques should also be applied, develop studies and measurements, and use sensors to optimize their operation and/or operation.
Professors: Jamil Haddad (C), Wilson César Santana, Afonso Henriques Moreira Santos, Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira, Levy Ely de Lacerda de Oliveira, and Gilberto Capistrano Cunha de Andrade
Funded by Norte Energia - Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte
Specific Objectives: achieved, at this time, through the Project "Nationalization of Ultrasonic Flow Measurement System of Multitrajectories for Monitoring of Turbocharged Flow in Large Pipelines."
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General Objective: This research line aims to study, model, and optimize the operation of equipment, individually or collectively, through the elements of energy systems. The activities of this project involve operational analyses, simulations, sensor development, communication systems, technical-economic feasibility studies, bringing together advanced signal processing techniques, and intelligent and numerical hybrid systems. The measurement, protection, control, and control systems of devices and equipment should also be studied, adjusted, and optimized.
Professors: Wilson César Santana (C), Germano Lambert-Torres, Jamil Haddad, Erik Leandro Bonaldi, and Gilberto Capistrano Cunha de Andrade
Funded by RAESA - Rio Amazonas Energia S.A.
Specific Objectives: achieved, at this time, through the Project "Nationalization of System for Condition Monitoring and Optimization of the Operation of Internal Combustion Engines."
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General Objective: This research line aims to study the primary sources of energy in its various forms (renewable or non-renewable, conventional or unconventional), aiming to understand its main energy characteristics, aiming to maximize the extraction of their energy. Thus, in this project, sensors of various types are used to perform measurements (direct and indirect) of useful quantities for energy analysis, the development of devices and equipment for constant monitoring of these quantities, quality analysis, consumption levels, efficiency, and performance, in addition to studying energy sources not yet used and/ or new applications.
Professors: Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira (C), Germano Lambert-Torres, Jamil Haddad, Erik Leandro Bonaldi, and Cláudio Inácio de Almeida Costa
Funded by Maracanaú Geradora de Energia
Specific Objectives: achieved at this time through the Project "Ultrasonic-Capacitive Hybrid System for Motorcycle Fuel Oil Analysis."
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General Objective: This research line aims to study the various types of energy storage (conventional and unconventional), trying to optimize, technically and financially, its components and subsystems, in addition to building sensors, meters, devices, and equipment of operation and control of these storage systems. Control of storage systems involves elements such as loading and unloading processes and procedures, the operating conditions that they must occur, both internal and external to storage systems, and the conditions that they must be maintained and operated.
Professors: Germano Lambert-Torres (C), Claudio Ferreira, Jamil Haddad, Erik Leandro Bonaldi, and Levy Ely de Lacerda de Oliveira
Funded by EDP-São Paulo e pela EDP-Espírito Santo - Electricidade de Portugal
Specific Objectives: achieved at this time through the Project "Improvement and Application of Active Power Filter, Battery Controller and Grid Formation".
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General Objective: This research line aims to study innovative forms of control to be applied to energy systems, and then develop devices or equipment to perform this task. This project involves converting one type of energy into another, transformations within the same type of energy, energy analysis, and energy potentials. In addition, this project aims to formulate modifications of existing equipment for these purposes, as well as to build new equipment for energy control.
Professors: Germano Lambert-Torres (C), Claudio Ferreira, Jamil Haddad, and Levy Ely de Lacerda de Oliveira
Funded by EDP-São Paulo e pela EDP-Espírito Santo - Electricidade de Portugal
Specific Objectives: achieved at this time through the Project "Static Self-RecoveryEquipment".
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General Objective: This research line aims to develop processes, procedures, and systems for monitoring the various quantities involved in energy systems, be they mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal, etc. This monitoring involves, in addition to the development of sensors, signal preprocessing systems, data communication networks, transmission procedures, data storage systems. Sensors and/or measurements should, whenever possible, be noninvasive, interfering as little as possible as the monitored process.
Professors: Cláudio Ferreira (C), Jamil Haddad, Wilson César Santana, Afonso Henriques Moreira Santos, Milton Pires Ramos, Fábio Alessandro Guerra, and Cláudio Inácio de Almeida Costa
Funded by COPEL GeT - Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Geração e Transmissão
Specific Objectives: achieved at this time through the Project "System for Monitoring and Evaluation of The Reduction of The Interruption Capacity of Circuit Breakers."
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General Objective: This research line aims to develop studies and procedures for the operational improvement of energy systems. For this to occur, it is necessary that all stages of the process be known, have been mapped with depth and in-depth studies carried out. It is also necessary to know the relationship between the parties, the main and secondary components, and the measurement, command, and control systems. Then, optimization methodologies and economic techniques should be applied to evaluate and improve the proposed procedures.
Professors: Afonso Henriques Moreira Santos (C), Cláudio Ferreira, Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira, Milton Pires Ramos, and Fábio Alessandro Guerra
Funded by COPEL GeT - Companhia Paranaense de Energia - Geração e Transmissão
Specific Objectives: achieved at this time through the Project "Location of Faults in SF6 Substations".